Friday, February 20, 2009

First Post--A good day, but a bad week

This is the first post of this new blog. In good teacher fashion, I'll begin by telling you my objectives: I plan to use this blog to reflect on my teaching. I hope that in the comments I will find new ideas for my teaching, while giving you ideas as well. Some of my stories should give you a window into the inspiring, amusing, always interesting, sometimes unpleasant world of teaching music. And sometimes this will be a way for me to vent feelings that need expressing.

I'll start with the good: Today was a great day because of several things that happened. My fifth graders really showed how much they love making music. They were singing with their eyes closed, swaying, enthusiastically, and sounded really good. They love singing partner songs (one group sings on song while another sings a completely different song with the same harmonic structure, creating harmony).

My fifth graders also started learning some Middle Eastern music. The district has been urging us to explore this more as our population changes, but I love introducing them to music from various cultures, anyway. Plus it's a standard. They got really into the songs and really seemed to enjoy it. And I love when they thank me for teaching them (and today they told me class was fun).

My fourth graders were really trying hard to behave today. It's amazing how motivating the possibility of recorders can be.

And my sixth graders' behavior is FINALLY starting to improve. We had a fire drill, but they were manageable. And they were learning and enjoying it, once the fire drill was over. It's amazing how much more they enjoy classical music when I have them conduct it. They still talk too much, but they're down to a normal-seeming-misbehaved, instead of the horrendous they started at.

Here's the bad: my district is having problems with money (like all the districts in the area) and is exploring the idea of cutting music. Meaning I might not have a job next year, and my students might be reduced to seeing a music teacher only once every other week. And the music teachers would have 40-some music classes each. I can't imagine how this would be a good situation for anyone.

So let me know how you are. Do you have misbehaving sixth-graders? Are you worried about your job? Did you have a swaying, angelicly-singing class this week that showed you why you do what you do? Or do you have another comment about music in your life?

1 comment:

  1. This looks like it's going to be a great blog! Thanks for putting me in your blog list. I'm looking forward to checking back!
