Thursday, January 20, 2011

How to make teaching "a la carte" easier for music teachers

This is the first year I haven't had any kind of a classroom, at all, and have to go from classroom to classroom for EVERY class (I technically don't have a cart, either, but since I don't have any instruments, there's not as much to lug). Anyway, here are a list of things that would make it easier on me:
  • Leave room on the whiteboard, and have some markers nearby
  • Give me a seating chart, and try to give me updated ones as seats change. I know you think I should know all their names by this point, but I teach 400some students, and the way I remember names better is by seeing them written out in order of seating.
  • Have your working boom-box somewhere accessible. It's awkward when I have to uncover it from a bunch of papers. If I email the principal that yours isn't working, don't tell her it's fine because you have a new one if it doesn't actually play from an ipod, like the old one did.
  • Don't talk and giggle with other teachers in the back of the room, especially if we're listening to music and I've just given a lecture about silence.
  • Don't pull students to do work, just because you think you can. How does it look to the other students if they can just randomly miss my class for yours?
  • Let me handle management, but give me the tools to do so. Let me use your clip-chart, but don't interrupt me to scream at (y)our students.
  • I have a few minutes to walk from class to class. I like to take some of this time to prepare my items, get my bearings, etc. If I'm 5 minutes early, please don't teach your students to leave their other work right away and be ready for music class, especially when I often drop off my things in your room and then run to the restroom.
  • If I'm early, don't check your clock, and then ask my what time my clock says. I don't have a clock. I just walk to your room when I'm done with my old class and then start getting ready. You don't arrive at school right when your start time is, and I don't like to, either.
  • Let me start on time, and return so I can leave on time and get to my last class.
Is there anything other music teachers can think of that would make it easier when you go from class to class? I have noticed teachers adding my vocabulary to their word walls, and I think that's a fabulous way to be on the same team.

1 comment:

  1. Wow ! Yours is the only article I could find about this matter. Thank you for sharing some valuable ideas. Unfortunately, this is a reality I am sure I will have to face as I train to teach French in elementary schools. When/if I get some more ideas, I won't hesitate to stop by and share! We really have to fight this - the Arts and Languages are not SECOND CLASS subjects.....grrrrr.
