Thursday, May 14, 2009

Music teacher meeting (the fun part of my job)

Today, all the music teachers from my district got together (all three of us). Last year there were four, and two of them tended to go off on tangents about stuff, but one's been out so just the three of us met. We had a really enjoyable time. We're working on a song to present when our boss retires. So we spent our meeting singing and making up a dance together. Plus we did some gossiping (the principal I've had some issues with is resigning! and so the others are being moved around). This is one of the great parts about being a music teacher. Other teachers go to inservices about reading, but ours involve singing and dancing. When sharing lesson plans, we end up drumming. I think it's important to have that good adult time in my job.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... you are so lucky. My nemesis-principal, despite being assailed by law suits and criticism from every corner, is remaining another year.
